2 Mar 2014

AWP Reading

Submitted by Barbara Ellen Sorensen

This past Friday, I had the honor of reading from a Haitian anthology, So Spoke the Earth, which was published by Women Writers of Haitian Descent (WWOHD). I was honored to be asked to read at this year's AWP conference in Seattle on the panel titled: The Haiti I know. As some of you know, I have several poems about Haiti in my book, Compositions of the Dead Playing Flutes. I have them in there because it was such an important part of my life for many years and has always stayed in my heart. Perhaps my favorite part of the entire conference was when I asked the wonderful, beautiful, powerful Haitian poet Danielle Legros-Georges, who read from the same anthology if she would take one of my books. She said, "Of course! And will you sign it?" I could have swooned. What an honor, what a joy!